
Scientific Papers: 63

      * 34 Scientific papers in ISI
      * 15 Scientific papers in MathSciNet
      * 14 National Scientific papers

  1. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thi Lien, (2013). On the solvability of the boundary value problem without initial condition for Schr¨odinger systems in infinite cylinders. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, accepted (SCI, ISSN: 1072-6691).
  2. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thanh Anh, (2013). On initial boundary value problems for hyperbolic equations in domains with conical points. Abstract and Applied Analysis, accepted (SCI).
  3. Nguyen Manh Hung and Phung Kim Chuc, (2013). Asymptotics of solutions to the second IBVP for hyperbolic systems in non-smooth domains. Applicable Analysis, 2013, DOI:10.1080/00036811.2013.816683 pp. 1-26 (SCIE).
  4. Vu Trong Luong, Nguyen Manh Hung and Do Van Loi, (2013). Asymptotics of solutions to the Dirichlet-Cauchy problem for parabolic equations in domains with edges. Annales Polonici Mathematici, 109.2 (2013), DOI: 10.4064/ap109-2-2 (SCIE).
  5. Nguyen Manh Hung, Hoang Viet Long and Nguyen Thi Kim Son, (2013). On the asymptotics of solutions to the second initial boundary valuepro blemforschrodinger systems In domains with conical points. Applications of Mathematics, 58 (2013).No.1, pp. 63-91 (SCIE).
  6. Nguyen Manh Hung and Phung Kim Chuc, (2012). On the smoothness of the solution for the initial-neumann problem for the hyperbolic systems in lipschitz cylinders. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol.16, No.5, pp.1629-1645, December 2012 (SCI).
  7. Nguyen Manh Hung, Bui Trong Kim and V.Obukhovskii. (2011). The firstinitial boundary value problem for  hyperbolic systems in infinite non smooth cylinders. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol.15, No.6, pp.2555-2576, December 2011 (SCI).
  8. Nguyen Manh Hung and Phung Kim Chuc (2011). The smoothness with respect to time variable of the solution for the second initial boundary problem for hyperbolic systems in infinite cylinders with non-smooth base. International Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol. 5, Isue 2,  pp. 117-134, 2011 Nova Secience Publishers, Inc. (ISSN: 1549-2907, MathSciNet)
  9. Nguyen Manh Hung and  Bui Trong Kim (2011). On the regularity of the  solutions for the first initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic systems in infinite cylinder with non-smooth base. International Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol. 5, Isue 2, pp. 155-176, Nova Secience Publishers, Inc. (ISSN: 1549-2907, MathSciNet)
  10. M.Hung, N.T.Anh and P.K.Chuc (2011). On the regularity of the solution for the second initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic systems in domains with conicol points. Boundary Value Problems, 2011,2011:17, Doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2011-17, (SCIE, ISSN: 1687-2770).
  11. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thi Lien. (2011)  On the regularity of solution of the boundary value problem without initial condition for schrodinger systems in conical domains. Journal of science of HNUE, NaturalSci.,2011,Vol.56,No.7,pp.14-17
  12. Nguyen Manh Hung and Le Thi Duyen. (2011). On the solvability of the boundary problem for second-order parabolic equations without an initial condition in cylinders with non-smooth base. Journal of science of HNUE, Sci.,2011,Vol.56,No.7,pp.18-22
  13. Nguyen Manh Hung and Cung The Anh (2010). Asymptotic expansions of solutions of the first initial boundary value problem for the Schrodinger system near conical points of the boundary. Differentsial'nye Uravneniya, Vol. 46, N0. 2, pp. 285-289. (SCIE, ISSN: 0012-2661)
  14. Nguyen Manh Hung and Vu Trong Luong. The Lp unique solvability of the first initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic systems. Taiwanese journal of mathematics. (SCI, ISSN: 1027-5487) Vol.14, No.6, pp. 2365-2381, December, 2010.
  15. Nguyen Manh Hung, Jen-Chih Yao (2010).  Cauchy-Neumann problem for second-order hyperbolic equations in cylinders with base containing conical points. Applicable Analysis, Vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 1293-1311. (SCIE)
  16. N.M.Hung and V. T. Luong. (2009) Lp- Regularity of solutions to first initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic equations in cuspdomains. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (SCIE, ISSN: 1072-6691) , Vol.2009, No. 151, pp.1-18.
  17. Nguyen Manh Hungand Yao J. C. (2009). Cauchy–Dirichlet problem for second-order hyperbolic equations in cylinders with non-smooth base. Nonlinear Analysis. Vol. 70, pp. 741-756 (SCI, ISSN: 0362-546X)
  18. Nguyen Manh Hung, Jen-Chih Yao (2009).  On the asymptotics of solutions of the first initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic systems in infinite cylinders with base containing conical points. Nonlinear Anal. Vol. 71, Issue 5-6 ,.pp. 1620-1635.(SCI, ISSN: 0362-546X)
  19. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thi Kim Son (2009), On the regularity of solution of the second initial boundary value problem for Schrodinger systems in domains with conical points. Taiwanese journal of mathematics. Vol. 13, No. 6. (SCI, ISSN: 1027-5487).
  20. Nguyen Manh Hung and Cung The Anh (2009). Asymtotic expansions of solutions of the first initial boundary value problem for the Schrodinger systems in domains with conical points. II. Ukrain. Math. Zh., 61(12), pp. 1640-1659. (SCIE, ISSN: 0012-2661)
  21. Nguyen Manh Hung, Tran Xuan Tiep and Nguyen Thi Kim Son (2009). Cauchy–Neumann problem for second-order general Schrodinger  equations in cylinders with non-smoothbase .Boundary Value Problems, vol. 2009, Article ID 231802, 13 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/231802 (SCIE, ISSN: 1687-2762)
  22. Nguyen Manh Hung and Vu Trong Luong (2009) Regularity of the solution of the first initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic equations in domains with cuspidal points on boundary. Boundary Value Problems, vol. 2009,Article ID135730, 14 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/135730 (SCIE, ISSN: 1687-2762).
  23. Nguyen Manh Hung and Bui Trong Kim (2009). Asymptotic behavior of solutions to cauchy-dirichlet problems for second-order hyperbolic equations in cylinder with non-smooth base. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations . Vol. 36, pp. 1-16.(SCIE, ISSN: 1072-6691).
  24. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thanh Anh (2009). Asymptotics of solutions of parameter-depending elliptic boundary value problems in domains with conical points. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2009(2009), No. 125, pp. 1-21. (ISSN: 1072-6691, (SCIE, ISSN: 1072-6691)))
  25. Nguyen Manh Hung, Nguyen Thanh Anh (2008). Regularity of solutions of initial–boundary value problems for parabolic equations in domains with conical points. Jornal of Differential Equations Vol. 245, Issue 7.pp.1801-1818. (SCI, ISSN: 0022-0396)
  26. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thanh Anh (2008). The Cauchy-Neumann problem for parabolic equations in domains with conical points. Taiwanese journal of mathematics. Vol. 12, No. 7, pp 1849-1864 (SCI, ISSN: 1027-5487)).
  27. Nguyen Manh Hung and Bui Trong Kim (2008). On the solvability of the first mixed problem for strongly hyperbolic system in infinite nonsmooth cylinders. Taiwanese journal of mathematics. Vol. 12, No 9, pp. 2601-2618. (SCI, ISSN: 1027-5487).
  28. Nguyen Manh Hung Nguyen Thi Kim Son (2008). Existence and smoothness of solutions to second initial boundary value problems for schr¨odinger systems in cylinders with non-smooth bases. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 2008, No 35, pp. 1–11. ((MathSciNet, ISSN: 1072-6691): RM2448893)
  29. Nguyen Manh Hung and Vu Trong Luong (2008). Unique solvability of initial boundary-value problems for hyperbolic systems in cylinders whose base is a cusp domain. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 2008, No138, pp. 1–10. ((SCIE, ISSN: 1072-6691): RM2448893)
  30. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thi Kim Son (2008). On the asymptotic behavior of generalized solutions of the second initial boundary value problem for Schrodinger systems in domains with conical points. International Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol. 4, Isue 2, pp. 157-176, ISSN: 1549-2907, MathSciNet)
  31. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thanh Anh (2008). Regularity of solution of the second initial boundary value problem for parabolic equations in domains with conical points. Вестн. BГУ Физ.-Мат. Vol. 1, pp. 170-178 (ISSN: 0234-5439)
  32. Nguyen Manh Hung and Bui Trong Kim (2008). Asymptotic  of solution of Cauchy-Neumann problem for hyperbolic equations in infinite cylinders with non-smooth base. Journal of Science, HNUE, T. 53, No 1, pp. 48-55. (ISSN: 0868-3719)
  33. Nguyen Manh Hung Nguyen Thi Kim Son (2008). Regularity of weak solution of Cauchy-Neumann problem for Schrodinger equation in infinite nonsmooth cylinders. Journal of Science, HNUE , Vol. 53, No 5, pp. 31-40. (ISSN: 0868-3719)
  34. Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Thanh Anh (2008), Spectral properties of the operator pencils generated by second order elliptic boundary-value problems depending on parameter in an angle . Journal of Science, HNUE, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp 41-48. (ISSN: 0868-3719)
  35. Nguyen Manh Hung (2007). The first initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic equations in infinite cylinders with non-smooth base. Journal of  Science, HNUE, Vol. 52, No 4, 13-22.
  36. Nguyen Manh Hung and Cung The Anh (2006). On the smoothness of the solutions of the first initial boundary value problem for Schrodinger systems in infinite cylinders. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, T. 30, pp. 461-471. (MathSciNet: MR2243688)
  37. Nguyen Manh Hung and Pham Trieu Duong (2005). On the asymptotic behavios of  generalized solution of  parabolic systems in the neighbourhood of conic point.  Acta. Math. Vietnamica. T.30, No 2, pp. 123-136. (ISSN:0251-4184) (MathSciNet: MR2166702).
  38. Nguyen Manh Hung and Cung The Anh (2005). On the smoothness of solution of  the first initial boudary value problems for Schrödinger systems in domains with conic points.  Vietnam J. Math., T. 33, No 2, pp. 135-148.(ISSN: 0866-7179) (MathSciNet: MR2052720).
  39. Nguyen Manh Hung and Cung The Anh (2005). Asymptotic expansions of solution of first initial boudary value problems for Schrödinger systems in domains with conic points I. Acta. Math. Vietnamica. T.30, No 3, pp.241-260. (ISSN:0251-4184) (MathSciNet: MR2166702).
  40. Nguyen Manh Hung and Pham Trieu Duong (2004). On the smoothness of a generalized solution of the first initial boudary value problem for strongly parabolic systemes in the cylinder with nonsmooth base with respect to time variable. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. T. 56, No 1,  pp. 96-108. (SCIE, ISSN: 0041-5995)
  41. Nguyen Manh Hung and Pham Trieu Duong (2004). On the smoothness of  generalized solution for parbolic  system in domains with conic points on boundary. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. T. 56, No 6,  pp. 1023-1032. (SCIE, ISSN: 0041-5995)
  42. Nguyen Manh Hung and Cung The Anh (2004). On the solvability of  first initial boudary value problem for  Schrödinger systems in infinite cylinders. Vietnam J. Math., T. 32, No 1, pp. 41-48.(ISSN: 0866-7179) (MathSciNet: MR2052720).
  43. Nguyen Manh Hung and Tran Thi Loan (2003). On the asymptotic behavios of solution o the first initial boundary value problems  for parabolic equation. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. T. 55, No 8,  pp. 1143-1152. . (SCIE, ISSN: 0041-5995)
  44. Nguyen Manh Hung and Tran Thi Loan (2002). On the stability  of  semilinear nonautonomous evolution  equations in Banach spaces and its application to strongly parabolic. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. T. 54, No 12,  pp. 1714-1719. (SCIE, ISSN: 0041-5995)
  45. Nguyen Manh Hung. (2002). Boundary problems for the non-stationary systems in cylinders with non-smooth base. Scientific Bulletin of Universities, ISSN 0868-3034, pp. 14-17
  46. Nguyen Manh Hung, Cung The Anh. (2002). The first initial boundary value problems for Schrodinger systems in infinite cylinder with non-smooth base. Scientific Bulletin of Universities, ISSN 0868-3034, pp. 31-37
  47. Nguyen Manh Hung, Tran Thi Minh Thuy. (2002). The existence and uniqueness of solution of the second boundary initial problem for strongly hyperbolic systems in a cylinder with any limited base. Scientific Bulletin of Universities, ISSN 0868-3034, pp. 38-43
  48. Nguyen Manh Hung, Nguyen Thanh Anh. (2002). The second initial value boundary problems for Schrodinger systems in infinite cylinder with non­smooth base. Scientific Bulletin of Universities, ISSN 0868-3034, pp. 44-49
  49. Nguyen Manh Hung, Pham Trieu Duong. (2002). About the solvability of the first initial boundary problems for parabolic of Petrovsky’s type systems in limited cylinder with non-smooth base. Scientific Bulletin of Universities, ISSN 0868-3034, pp. 50-55
  50. Nguyen Manh Hung, Pham Tien Dung. (2001). The first initial boundary problems for strongly hyperbolic systems in infinite cylinders. Journal of Science, HNUE, ISSN 0868-3719, No. 4, pp. 18-24
  51. Nguyen Manh Hung, Bui Van Dinh. (2001). The second initial boundary problems for parabolic of Petrovsky’s type systems in non -smooth domains. Journal of Science, HNUE, ISSN 0868-3719, No. 4, pp. 25-32.
  52. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг (1999). Асимптотика решений первой краевой задачи для сильно  гиперболических систем вблизи конической точки границыобласти.  Матем. Сборник, T. 190,  No 7, CT. 103-126. (Sbornik Mathematics, SCI, ISSN: 1064-5616).
  53. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг(1998). O глaдкocти решения задачи Дирхе для гиперболических систем в областях  с негладкой границей. Уcпеxи Мaт. Нayк, T. 53, No 2, CT. 157-158. (Russian Math. Surveys,  SCI, ISSN: 0036-0279).
  54. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг (1998). O глaдкocти решения задачи Дирхе для гиперболи-ческих систем в областях  с коническими или угловыми  точками. Доклады Академии Наук РАН, T.362, No 2,161-164. (Doklady Mathematics, SCI, ISSN: 1064-5652).
  55. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг(1998). Об отсутствии  положительных решений нелинейных эллиптических уравнений второго поряка в конических областях. Дифф. Уравн. .  T.34, No 4, CT. 533-539. (Differential Equations, SCIE, ISSN: 0012-2661).
  56. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг (1998). Первая начально краевая задачи для уравнений Шредингера в областях  с негладкой границей. Дифф. Уравн.  T.34, No 11, CT. 1546-1556.(Differential Equations, SCIE, ISSN: 0012-2661).
  57. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг(1997). Hачально краевая задачи для гиперболических систем  в негладких областях. Уcпеxи Мaт. Нayк, T. 52, No 6, CT. 189-190. (Russian Math. Surveys, SCI, ISSN: 0036-0279).
  58. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг(1997). О положительных решениях задачи Heймaнa для нелинейных эллиптических уравлений в конических областях. Вестн. МГУ, Мат.-мех, No 1,:  CT. 73-74 (ISSN 0201-7385) (MathSciNet: MR1469214).
  59. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг(1997). Начально смешанная Задачa для нестационарных систем в бластях с нерегулярными границами. Вестн. МГУ, Мат.-мех, No 4,:  CT. 49-51 (ISSN 0201-7385) (MathSciNet: MR1469214).
  60. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг(1996).Задача Heймaнa для Нестационарных систем в цилиндрических областях. Мат.  Зaметки, T.60. No 4, CT. 631-634, (Mathematical Notes, SCI, ISSN: 0001-4346.
  61. Hгyeн Maнъ Xyнг(1995). О положительных pешениях нелинейных эллиптических уравнений  в конических  областях Вестн. МГУ , Мат.-мех, No 1, CT. 92-95. (ISSN: 0201-7385) (MathSciNet: MR1373866)
  62. Nguyen Manh Hung (1989). On the smoothness of solution of the mixed boudary value problem for the second order hyperbolic equation in a neighbourhood of an edge. Acta math. Vietnamica, Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 99-114) (ISSN:0251-4184) (MathSciNet: MR1058280).
  63. Đoàn Văn Ngọc-Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng (1988).  Về tính trơn của nghiệm của bài toán hỗn hợp đối với phương trình elliptic cấp 2 trong miền với biên có điểm góc. Tạp chí toán học Việt Nam, Tập XVI, No 4, tr. 6-14. (ISSN: 0866-7179) (MathSciNet: MR1033984).

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